XML Feed

This page is intended as an aid to technical teams to ensure they can read the feeds in one of these formats. The page details the basic feed options and schema for each option.

What is in the Feed?

The feed is essentially a URL that, when accessed, returns formatted data. The “data” is your company's current Live Vacancies. The formatted data is XML but there are two feed options, XML or RSS. You can have more than one feed and each feed can be in a different format. The vacancies contained within each feed are configuration. For Example, in one feed you may only want to show External Vacancies, and in the other you may only want to show internal vacancies.

Base Components

There are 2 basic feed options - RSS Feed or XML Feed. You can see the differences between these two options below to help you deicde which is correct for you.

The vacancy data will appear inside each < item >< /item > tag.There is an < item >< /item > tag for each vacancy. By default there are 2 tags automatically included inside each < item >< /item > tag for each vacancy. A tag containing the vacancy title < title >< /title > and a tag for the link to apply < link >< /link >. These are included by default and cannot be removed.

Next are the “built in” fields illustrated in the highlighted tags above which can either be included or not included but can be helpful for IT teams as they contain unique IDs for each Vacancy. The built in tags are;

  • < VacancyID >< /VacancyID >
  • < vTitle >< /vTitile >
  • < VacancyPublishInfoID >< /VacancyPublishInfoID >

Below these tags there is then a tag for each piece of vacancy data or “vacancy field” The tag name for each vacancy field can be defined by the client. The fields included can also be defined by the client. For some vacancy fields, for example “Advert Text” you can choose whether you want the raw text, or the formatted HTML.

< rss version="2.0" >
< channel >
< title >Clien Name RSS Feed< /title >
< link >https://test.networxrecruitment.com/RSSFeeds/Vacancies/CLIENTTAG?feedID=F48DA7E5E42C4A48970ACDFC39D7B874< /link >
< description >Client Name RSS Feed< /description >
< language >en-gb< /language >
< copyright >Client Name RSS Feed< /copyright >
< lastBuildDate >2019-10-14T06:53:50Z< /lastBuildDate >
< ttl >240< /ttl >
< item >
< title >Vacancy Title 1< /title >
< link >https://test.networxrecruitment.com/Jobs/FeedLink/888888?cid=123< /link >
< VacancyID >123456< /VacancyID >
< vTitle >Vacancy Title 1< /vTitle >
< VacancyPublishInfoID >888888< /VacancyPublishInfoID >
< /item >
< /channel >
< /rss >

  • You can choose to include built in fields or not.
  • Vacancy field & tag names can be customised.
  • Can either support Raw Text or Formatted Advert Text (HTML).
  • The link desitnation can be set either to an advert or application form.
  • Vacancy filters can be used to decide which vacancies are shown in the feed.

The vacancy data will appear inside each < item >< /item > tag. There is an < item >< /item > tag for each vacancy. By default there are 4 tags automatically included inside each < item >< /item > tag for each vacancy as follows

  • < title >< /title > - The Vacancy Title
  • < link >< /link > - The link to apply for the Vacancy
  • < a10:updated >< /a10:updated > - When the Vacancy was last updated.
  • < a10:content >< /a10:content > - Inside these tags is the < Vacancy >< /Vacancy > tags and within the < Vacancy >< /Vacancy > tags is all of the vacancy data.

The first fields included inside the < Vacancy >< /Vacancy > tags are “built in” fields as illustrated in the highlighted tags above. The can either be included or not included but can be helpful for IT teams as they contain unique IDs for each Vacancy. The built in tags are;

  • < VacancyID >< /VacancyID >
  • < vTitle >< /vTitile >
  • < VacancyPublishInfoID >< /VacancyPublishInfoID >

Below these tags there is then a tag for each piece of vacancy data or “vacancy field”. The tag name for each vacancy field can be defined by the client. The fields included can also be defined by the client. For some vacancy fields, for example “Advert Text” you can choose whether you want the raw text, or the formatted HTML.

< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ? >
< rss xmlns:a10="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" version="2.0" >
< channel >
< title >Client Name RSS Feed< /title >
< link >https://test.networxrecruitment.com/RSSFeeds/Vacancies/CLIENTTAG?feedID=F48DA7E5E42C4A48970ACDFC39D7B874< /link >
< description >Client Name RSS Feed< /description >
< item >
< link>https://test.networxrecruitment.com/Jobs/FeedLink/888888?cid=123< /link >
< title >Vacancy Title 1< /title >
< a10:updated >
2019-10-14T06:50:29Z< /a10:update >
< a10:content type=”text/xml” >
< Vacancy >
< VacancyID >123456< /VacancyID >
< vTitle >Vacancy Title 1< /vTitle >
< VacancyPublishInfoID >9999999< /VacancyPublishInfoID >
< /Vacancy >
< /a10:content >
< /item >
< /channel >
< /rss >

  • You can choose to include built in fields or not.
  • Vacancy field & tag names can be customised.
  • Can either support Raw Text or Formatted Advert Text (HTML).
  • The link desitnation can be set either to an advert or application form.
  • Vacancy filters can be used to decide which vacancies are shown in the feed.